Women of Wonder

How to Reset with God

Feeling stagnant with your relationship with God & desiring to press in more? A reflective blog post on what do and how to reset with God.


I have a confession to make…

I have been struggling with breaking a cycle that has been hindering my full growth and freedom from my past identity.

Time after time, this cycle has proven itself to be toxic to me and my relationship with myself, and with God.

This cycle has been a lifelong battle and one that I am finally choosing to seek full freedom in.

It is a cycle that has caused me to battle both shame and stubbornness.

You may ask, what is this cycle that I am struggling with right now?

To sum it up, it is the cycle of desiring to hold onto control.

This up and down, back and forth, tug-of-war battle with God to control my life, my love story, my future, and my plans.

I have been learning that I TRULY do not know more than God does. 

Jeremiah 33:3 actually invites me and you to seek God for the secrets, and the details, pertaining to the things that we lack knowledge on. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages me and you to trust God with all of our hearts, and to lean NOT unto our own understanding.

And Matthew 6:33 advises to seek the Kingdom of Heaven before all things, and everything will be added onto us.

Everything such as my desire to marry a fine, God-fearing, trustworthy, and faithful man.

Everything such as my desire to understand why I can’t have what or who I “think” I want.

Everything such as my desire to just speed up my healing process instead of taking the slow scenic route, reviewing my past with the intentions to heal from it.

Jeremiah 29:11 states that God truly knows what is best and only has plans to prosper us, not plans to harm us. 

That means it should be easy to release control right?! 

As if.

How do we practically release control?

I am doing so by clicking R E S E T.

I am resetting with God and I invite you to do the same.

I am resetting by being intentional with my time, what I watch/listen to, fasting, and inviting God into my life daily.

Meaning, more worship music and reading edifying books.

Meaning, fasting from alcohol (wine is included), and fasting from TV, social media, food, or whatever God is leading you to.

Meaning, praying fervently, and waking up earlier to spend time with God before we start the day.

By doing this, we are filling ourselves up with more of God and less of our worries, less of our concerns, and less of what our flesh desires.

Another practical step is asking God and yourself-self awareness here-why you are afraid to trust God fully.

Are you scared that He won’t provide? Why are you afraid that He won’t provide?

Perhaps you want to know the why, the how, or maybe you just need to be real with God and tell Him how you feel about the situation. 

Whatever it is; choose to press the reset button with your relationship with God.

Get back into seeking Him daily for guidance, seek Him daily for strength, and seek Him daily for peace.

Get back into reading the Word each morning, asking God to search your heart and pray for a stronger desire for Him.

Like David, I want to yearn for more of God, because when I have more of Him, I am able to fully trust in God and His ability to provide. 

When I fully trust God, fear begins to fade.

When I fully trust God, I embrace my imperfections and give myself the grace to make mistakes.

When I fully trust God, it is much easier to release my desire to control that which is in God’s hand.



I’m Imani, a Texas native who decided to wander off to California. I am the Author of , “Breaking up with the Bad Girl”, a book that I wrote with the intention to heal myself and other women through sharing my story. I believe that my overall life purpose is to empower others to share their own unique story and to live a life full of wonder.

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  1. Carrie Thomas

    Yes! Letting go of control is so hard but well worth it. Our Father has our back. Thanks for sharing!

    • imanilwade1

      It can be hard at times girl!! But reminding myself that God has my back and a better plan is helpful.