Wonder | Faith
Women of Wonder

Women of Wonder: Leah Albright-Bryd

Women of Wonder inspiring story of Leah Albright-Bryd. A woman of faith, wonder, and creativity. In her journey she shares about how she embraces wonder.

Wonder | Faith

Thank you so much for taking the time out to connect with me and for sharing your story! As your friend, I know so many pieces to your journey and you have personally inspired me. You have lived a life full of WONDER. Deciding to be brave, go after your passion, and walk into the unknown is worthy of sharing to many other women who seek to do the same with their life.

Speaking of wonder and living your life full of wonder, can you share more about your story?

I’m a 36 year old California-girl turned Texan. Dallas is home now and I absolutely love it! 

My journey to Texas is one I’ll never forget. Every season of my life with God has been marked by prophetic direction and in 2016 I received a word that God was calling me away from my existing community into a new one. This turn of events (which was much needed) came on the tail end of a season of activism in the fight against human trafficking. I was running a nonprofit and advocating for the voiceless across the nation and abroad BUT…I was beyond tired and ready for a new chapter. 

Guilt and a sense of obligation to ministry made it difficult to accept the season of rest God knew I desperately needed. I eventually was able to really appreciate what He provided (even though we wrestled a bit at the onset) and I began to explore the other gifts and talents He’s given me. To sum up my gifting? I am a storyteller at heart and have learned to do so through various art forms: as an activist, an author, and now as an artist. 

Can you tell me more about your mindset and your feelings you felt before taking the leap? 

Prior to taking the leap I felt a flurry of emotions that I think most people feel when stepping into a season of mystery and uncertainty. I was exhilarated, afraid, excited, nervous, and at times angry. But more than anything, I was grateful; grateful that I had another chance to experience a new chapter. I’ve always been a person who dreaded monotony and adventure is high on my values/needs list. The leap fed a part of my soul that was really thirsty for newness at the time!

What felt right to you? Why did you understand that this was meant to be?

I live my life by the Spirit and the Spirit-life is one that is marked by PEACE. His peace, God’s peace is palpable (even when circumstances don’t warrant it). I remember praying in a moment when I was struggling with my decision and remembering what it was like to learn to float on my back when I was a little girl. My uncle in Germany was teaching me to swim and when he began teaching me to float I would either listen to his instructions or tense up. When I listened to him, I would relax in his arms, the water would flush into my ears and all I could hear was his voice, my breathing and all the other noises around me would become muffled. But, if I tensed up and stopped listening to his voice, I would sink. Remembering that experience helped me navigate my leap season and reminded me to RELAX. Sometimes the circumstances did not feel comfortable, but when I listened to His voice I relaxed and was reassured that He was leading me. The open doors He eventually led me to certainly confirmed that my leap was indeed a leap of faith, but I couldn’t depend solely on my circumstances (or even my feelings) to confirm that. 

After taking the leap, what were the obstacles that you faced? How did you handle it?

The main obstacles were provision and discomfort. Faith leaps usually present new obstacles to us and emotional challenges. We’re put in a position to trust on an even deeper level and that often comes with a test of faith. “Will He provide? Will things work out the way that I envisioned? Oh snap, didn’t expect this problem. What will I do now?” The bombardment of logical questions and my internal dialogue made things difficult at times. But I kept reminding myself of what God promised me and when I got too weak to handle my own frustrations, I leaned on other people’s faith. That’s what friendships are for! 

Looking back at your journey now, do you have any regrets? What would you say to yourself  in that moment?

I can’t say that I have any regrets. There’s nothing I would change at all. One of my favorite quotes is “Life can only be understood when looking backwards but it must be lived forward.” I’m continually learning to live in the moment and be comfortable in the uncomfortable. Life would be way too boring if it was entirely calculated and in my control.  

Managing full time entrepreneurship while also serving in ministry isn’t easy. What are your self care practices?

Woo!!! You can say that again. The foundational self-care practice I have is self-awareness. It under-girds all of my other practices but it took time to develop. As a trauma survivor, I often felt detached from myself which made it difficult to know exactly what I needed. With therapy and maturity, I’ve come to know when my brain, body, and spirit are dysregulated. I’ve learned what gets me off balance and I unapologetically choose to honor myself. It took me a long time to learn to do this and now I can’t be stopped. 

Burnout is the enemy to my mission! I have to be proactive in my approach to caring for myself so that I’m vibrant and around for the long-haul. Some of my favorite practices are Bikram yoga, solitude and silence, regular social media fasts, trips to rural settings that allow me to connect with God and myself through His creation, and watching Disney movies (keeps my heart young). 

How has your faith been a major influence to your journey?

My faith is what has fueled every leap I’ve ever taken. If I didn’t have the confident expectation that God would catch me, I wouldn’t be who I am or where I am today.

You’re a multifaceted person. How have you managed all of your passions and interests over the years?

I didn’t always nourish or acknowledge my multi-giftedness. Discovering who I am and all that God has placed inside of me has been a gradual process of discovery. Part of that is because I didn’t grow up in a family that placed much emphasis on gifts or passion. As I got older, I began to look up to others who I perceived possessed certain talents and passions and I would always feel like I didn’t have much to offer. The lie detector test determined that was a lie! Hahah! 

Now that I know better, the challenge has been discovering what my main thing is and what my recreational things are. I feel like I’m getting a grasp on what brings me joy and gives me life now. I used to think that work should have a certain element of hardness and toughness to it so I felt guilty for wanting to have joy and that feeling that I wasn’t “working”. So I’m developing more avenues to express myself now and I’ve gotten comfortable with the fact that everything in my life doesn’t have to be monetized. However, when possible and desired, I am committed to making money doing things I love. 

What would you say to any woman who desires to live a life full of wonder?

I’d say get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Your greatest growth seasons can happen during seasons of discomfort and uncertainty if you just learn to float on your back. 

Don’t allow destination thinking to keep you from enjoying the journey sis! It’s okay to be driven and to have goals…but a lifestyle of rest, peace, and joy is far more important. I’d also encourage you to examine your ambitions. If you take a peek behind the door of perfectionism and drive, you may find insecurity and pride. We have to be radically honest with ourselves about what is driving us because if it is not pure it will eventually strip us of the WONDER we seek! 

Lastly, self-care and self-love are inextricable keys to maximum joy on this journey.  

How can we stay connected to you? 

You can find me on Instagram @leahsfreckles, via email at leahjonet@gmail.com, or on my website at www.iamleahjonet.com . If you want some powerful inspiration on pursuing dreams and manifesting vision, check out my book Determined to Dream (you can find it on my site in the Store). Keep in touch! 🙂 



I’m Imani, a Texas native who decided to wander off to California. I am the Author of , “Breaking up with the Bad Girl”, a book that I wrote with the intention to heal myself and other women through sharing my story. I believe that my overall life purpose is to empower others to share their own unique story and to live a life full of wonder.

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  1. Reginald Marshall

    Great story & very inspiring! 8 years of endurance is awesome!

    • imanilwade1

      She is on her grind!!! Love Leah.