Women of Wonder

Women of Wonder: Kimberly Pong

Women of Wonder Kimberly Pong shares her journey of quitting her 9 to 5 to embrace a lifestyle full of wonder, travel and self discovery!


Thank you so much for taking the time out to connect with me and for sharing your story! As you briefly shared, you have lived a life full of WONDER. Deciding to be brave, go after your passion, and walk into the unknown is worthy of sharing to many other women who seek to do the same with their life.

Speaking of wonder and living your life full of wonder, can you share more about your story?

In March 2018, I quit my job to follow my dreams and travel the world. It has been hands down the best experience of my life. Since then, I have traveled to over 35 countries, exploring the world and on an amazing path of self-discovery. Getting to where I am today hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows though.

Leading up to before I quit, I was working in a very toxic environment and I was extremely depressed. I kept telling myself to keep going because my parents really wanted me to stay in that career path. Throughout my career, it was really engraved into my brain that you work for money, not passion, and you work to retire. One day, I realized that if I kept working the way I did, I would die before I could even retire. In that moment, I realized “Why am I waiting to do things that I love? I should be doing them now!”

I was about to quit my job, but then I landed my “dream job” at a new department so I decided to give it a shot. I still wasn’t being fulfilled though. I wasn’t happy and I just wasn’t passionate in my career. I finally decided to take the leap of faith and quit my job to follow my dreams of traveling the world. I am so happy I did it and now I can confidently say that I am living life to the fullest. 

I’ve now been able to scuba dive with sharks in the Philippines, bungee jump off a bridge in Zimbabwe, meditate in India, learn and see different cultures, wake up in a new location whenever I want to, and never have to worry about coming home because I don’t have enough vacation days left. It’s been so freeing and I am forever grateful for finally trusting myself and making the leap.

Can you tell me more about your mindset and your feelings you felt before taking the leap? 

Like I said, before taking the leap, it wasn’t easy for me. I felt very stuck in a job I wasn’t passionate about. I really let societal and parental pressures dictate my life and what I do. I had a good paying job, a pension, a rent controlled apartment in a beautiful location, why wasn’t I happy? I would go into work telling myself, “another day, another dollar” to get motivated to go to work. I was very anxious, confused, and not happy with my life. Overcoming my mindset was the hardest part. I had so many fears of the unknown, I had no idea how to travel full time, and I had to really stop listening to what others wanted me to do. 

What felt right to you? Why did you understand that this was meant to be?

I’ve always been so happy and so passionate about traveling. Whenever I think about it, I get so excited. It’s hard to explain, but I just had this gut feeling that it was meant to be. I knew I wanted more out of life. I wanted to truly love the life I have. Tomorrow is never promised and I didn’t want to continue living a life that I wasn’t happy in. I kept thinking “If I was on my deathbed, would I regret not following my passion of traveling the world” and that’s when I knew I had to do it. 

After taking the leap, what were the obstacles that you faced? How did you handle it?

My biggest obstacle after taking the leap was figuring everything out. Figuring out the logistics of traveling and how to do everything. Working full time to traveling full time was an adjustment as well. However, a lot of obstacles in my life are now “What country should I go to next?” or “What should I do today?” I am so grateful for these obstacles now. 

Looking back at your journey now, do you have any regrets? What would you say to yourself  in that moment? 

Sometimes I wish I would have started sooner, but no, I have no regrets at all. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and timing is everything. I feel like everything in my life has prepared me to be exactly where I am today. Traveling solo has really opened my eyes and has made me grow so much in such a short period of time. 

What would you say to any woman who desires to live a life full of wonder?

Take the leap of faith – I promise you, you will not regret it. Everything that happens to us in life is either a valuable lesson or an amazing experience. Either way, it will be life changing and worth it. Really listen to your gut and follow your passions. You will be so happy you did it! I promise!! A quote from one of my favorite books goes, “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself, and no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.” – The Alchemist 

Question Seven- How can we stay connected to you? 

The best way to stay connected with me is through Instagram at @comealongwithpong. Come along and follow my journey of traveling the world, self-development, and personal growth. I am so passionate about traveling and inspiring others to follow their dreams and travel. If you have any questions or need advice/tips, feel free to reach out to me as well! You can also email me at kimberly@comealongwithpong.com, but Instagram is best. 



I’m Imani, a Texas native who decided to wander off to California. I am the Author of , “Breaking up with the Bad Girl”, a book that I wrote with the intention to heal myself and other women through sharing my story. I believe that my overall life purpose is to empower others to share their own unique story and to live a life full of wonder.

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