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How to Grow & Use Your Instagram

Have you ever desired to use your Instagram with more purpose or secretly wanted to see your account grow? Keep reading to learn how I have been using my Instagram account!


Earlier this year, I made a promise to myself and to God, that I would activate each gift that I was given. Unbeknownst to me, one of those gifts would be connected my Instagram account. I know, it sounds a little corny and I am sure some of you may even be rolling your eyes, but it was a desire and I am witnessing the results of a promise I made back in January.

You see, I already had the desire to use social media more intentionally and purposefully. I was tired of scrolling, randomly posting here and there, and the lack of clarity regarding my account. While some people are content with just using the app for leisure, I wanted more. I wanted to provide valuable content, and I wanted to use the app with intention, yet I had lacked the resources to make this desire my reality.

Since having this “let’s do more” moment, I have made huge changes towards my account, and have reaped the results of being more intentional.

If you are seeking to use your Instagram account more intentionally, then keep reading.

If you are hoping to see a significant change with your platform, then read along.

If you want to learn how to use your Instagram in general, then yup, keep reading.

Or if you simply desire to connect to your current audience while building your dream community, then this is for you.

So what did I do? With any goal that I set, I know it is important to seek further insight, research, and knowledge for the goal that I created. With that being said, I spent time searching for the best online course to help me with my new goal.

In March of this year, I decided to take a step of faith by enrolling into Christina Galbato’s Influencer Bootcamp. It has been one of the best decisions I have made so far this year, and I am not just saying that because I receive a commission for purchases made through this link (yes, so buy it from me if you choose to move forward).

This online course defeats many out there for several reasons. Christina covers photography, Instagram algorithm, hashtags, engagement strategies, pitching to brand for paid collaborations, and so much more. She also has an incredible group of women in her Facebook group, and I have made great connections and met up with a few ladies to shoot together.

Here is a recap of my results since joining her bootcamp in March and finishing in October:

Over 600 new followers on my Instagram and my audience is more engaging on my posts and stories.

I am more confident with shooting and intentional with creating content

I launched my blog, Worth Her Wonder. This is a blog I begin to plan for back in 2018. Her online course ‘The Blogger Bootcamp’ helped me with this launch as well.

I started securing paid collaborations with brands, two of them being travel related for early 2021.

And I got interviewed by my mentor, and coach, Christina Galbato. You can check out my interview here for a more detailed understanding of my experience with the course and Instagram growth.

Now, if you aren’t in a place to fully invest into an online course, then I also understand that as well. I encourage you to still save the links and revisit them when you can.

Until then, my next bit of advice for you would be to get very clear about why you want to use Instagram.

Are you hoping to connect with more likeminded women?

Do you desire to launch a business and need a wider reach for consumers?

Are you hoping to make passive income through brand collaborations?

Do you daydream of having a beautiful page with high quality images?

Do you have a message or a story to share that is helpful and impactful for others?

Identify why you want to use your account. For myself, I have very specific desires around how and why I use my Instagram. And if you are seeking to be more purposeful & intentional while growing yours, you want to be very specific.

The next thing I want to share with you for growing your Instagram account is to know that you will have to be consistent. The days of barely showing up on your story or never making a post, are over. Set aside some time to plan the days you want to post and be consistent with showing up on those days.

And the last thing I want to share with you is that you have to stop caring what people think about your desire to grow your Instagram account. So many people have made side remarks to me and some old friends have even unfollowed me since I have become more intentional. It is the side effect of deciding to go after your desires and one you will honestly have to get used to.

Nevertheless, I want to have a healthy and purposeful relationship with Instagram. While I understand that this app can be gone tomorrow (another reason why you need a blog), it is here today and has brought so many blessings to my life. From friends that I have met through this app, to encouraging women & being encouraged, and now, passive income, I am happy for the Instagram app and far from a hater of it.



I’m Imani, a Texas native who decided to wander off to California. I am the Author of , “Breaking up with the Bad Girl”, a book that I wrote with the intention to heal myself and other women through sharing my story. I believe that my overall life purpose is to empower others to share their own unique story and to live a life full of wonder.

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